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PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE copied directly from www.laserskinsurgery.com
Featured on ABC’s Primetime news, 04.07.2002
More troubling to the experts Primetime spoke with is the rise in popularity of laser treatment to remove body hair. Such treatments are becoming available at more and more spas, and more than 1 million Americans had laser hair removal in 2001.
According to Dr. Roy Geronemus, a leading expert in laser treatments, dermatologists are seeing a “dramatic” increase in the number of complications from laser hair removal treatments. “These complications may have lifelong consequences,” he said.
Primetime met one woman who received first- and second-degree burns on her cheek and neck while undergoing laser hair removal at an upscale spa in New York City. The woman, who is suing the spa, says she has been left with permanent scarring, and now, more than a year later, still does not uncover her face in public.
Geronemus is particularity concerned about training: some operators have only a weekend’s worth. And even with much more training, mistakes are made, he said. There are many different lasers for different skin types and too many operators use the wrong laser for the wrong skin, he said.
Furthermore, only 15 states require that only physicians can perform laser hair removal. In 20 states, including New York, there are no regulations at all. Go to Page 2