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Cavi-Lipo Body SculptingWhat is Ultrasonic Cavitation (Cavi-Lipo)?
Ultrasonic Cavitation or Cavi-Lipo is a revolutionary FDA-approved technology that uses gentle focused ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells permanently but leaves remaining body tissue unharmed. The remnants of the fat cells get absorbed and eliminated by the liver. The body needs about 3 days to eliminate the fat of a single session, so it is recommended to have an interval of 72 hours or more in between the sessions.
Ultrasonic Cavitation or Cavi-Lipo is completely painless and doesn’t require any recovery. |
Cavi-Lipo is ideal for slimming and reshaping some areas of unwanted/resistant body fat without affecting the rest. Cavi-Lipo is not a weight loss program but rather away of “loosing inches” in the desired area. In contrary, with diet and exercise people often loose fat in general and often even in the areas that they would like to preserve! The course of Cavi-Lipo treatment contains 6 to 12 sessions (once or twice a week) so the treatment can be completed in 3 to12 weeks.
Is Ultrasound Cavitation a safe treatment? Yes, Cavi-Lipo is a nonsurgical procedure requiring no anesthesia, no scars, and no downtime after the procedure. It Is FDA approved.
Is Ultrasound Cavitation painful? No, Cavi-Lipo is a painless treatment. Some patients will report a light vibration or “ringing” during the procedure. Cavi-Lipo in general is very relaxing and painless with only very rare cases of heat or a mild discomfort.
What areas can be treated by Cavi- Lipo? Any area of localized fat resistant to diet and exercise can be targeted by the Ultrasonic Cavitation. Most popular areas are: thighs, abdomen, buttocks, back fat, double chins, upper arms, but there is no real limitation to any area.
Who cannot be treated with Ultrasonic Cavitation? Cavi- Lipo is not indicated for pregnant and breastfeeding females. Also people with cardiac pacemakers or defibrillators cannot be treated with Cavi-Lipo. Talk to a certified Doctor prior to considering Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment.
Does Ultrasonic Lipo treatment affect my daily activities? No, you can return to any daily activity or work right after the procedure of Cavi-Lipo. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water and to maintain low calorie diet before and after the session. Drinking water is a necessary part in order to eliminate the fat. You also will need to keep away from alcohol for 48 hours after the treatment in order to help your liver.
Is Cavi-Lipo expensive? Actually, it is very affordable. Whole course 10 Cavi-Lipo treatments can cost only one forth of a Liposuction session.
Call today for your free consultation.
150-26 14th Avenue • Whitestone NY 11357 • 718-357-2300 |