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Chemical peel uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer
layers. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. Phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs)
are used for this purpose. The precise formula used may be adjusted to meet each patient's needs
Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs)
Uses: |
Considerations: |
- Smooths rough, dry skin
- Improves texture of sun-damaged skin
- Aids in control of acne
- Can be mixed with bleaching agent to correct pigment problems
- Can be used as TCA pre-treatment
- A series of peels may be needed
- As with most peel treatments, sunblock use is recommended.
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
Uses: |
Considerations: |
- Smooths out fine surface wrinkles
- Removes superficial blemishes
- Corrects pigment problems
- Can be used on neck or other body areas
- May require pre-treatment with Retin-A or AHA creams
- Treatment takes only 10-15 minutes
- Preferred for darker-skinned patients
- Peel depth can be adjusted
- Repeat treatment may be needed to maintain results
- Sunblock must be used for several months
- Healing is usually quick, much quicker than with a phenol peel
Uses: |
Considerations: |
- Corrects blotches caused by: sun exposure, birth-control pills, aging
- Smooths out coarse wrinkles
- Removes pre-cancerous growths
- Used on the face only
- Not recommended for dark-skinned individuals
- Procedure may pose risk for patients with heart problems
- Full-face treatment may take one hour or more
- Recovery may be slow - Complete healing may take several months
- May permanently remove facial freckles
- Sun protection, including sunblock, must always be used
- Results are dramatic and long-lasting
- Permanent skin lightening and lines of demarcation may occur
Improvements from AHA peels may be very subtle at first. You may detect a healthier glow to your skin. With continued treatments, you will notice a general improvement in the texture
of your skin.
The results of a TCA peel are usually not as long-lasting as those of phenol peel. However, your skin will be noticeably smoother and fresher-looking.
If you're planning a phenol peel, you can expect dramatic improvement in the surface of your skin - fewer fine wrinkles, fewer blemishes and more even-toned skin. Your
results will be long-lasting, although not immune to the effects of aging and sun exposure.
150-26 14th Avenue • Whitestone NY 11357 • 718-357-2300 |