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Fade Acne Scars Microderm abrasion

Fade Acne Scars with microderm abrasion. Call 718-357-2300 for free acne scars microderm consultation.
Dr. Avakian performs all acne scars microderm services. Queens NY, Forest Hills

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Acne scarring is a common skin condition that can be both physically and emotionally distressing!

Acne scars form as a result of the tissue injury from the inflammation. Scarring most frequently result from severe inflammatory nodular or cystic acne, occurring deep in the skin, but also may arise from more superficial inflamed lesions. There is considerable variation in scarring from person to person, indicating that some people are more prone to scarring than others.

Acne scars can form either loss of tissue (ice-pick scars or depressed areas) or increased tissue formation (keloid scars or raised thickened areas). Ice-pick scars are similar to scars that result from chicken pox. They are more common than kelloids and usually occur on the cheek.

Early treatment is the best way to prevent acne scarring. A number of effective treatments are available for acne scars and should be carefully tailored for your skin type and age, the cost of the procedure and the severity of the scar. Some of the current treatment options include: Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Pixel Laser skin resurfacing and even a filler injection. At Vita we will help you find out which treatment is best for you.

Call today for your free consultation!

Acne Scar Before
Acne Scar After
150-26 14th Avenue • Whitestone NY 11357 • 718-357-2300
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